Sunday, 11 May 2014

Gradual improvement

Numbers still seem a little low here in Wolvercote, Oxfordshire, but there have been some nice additions to the year list (now at 73: 65 moths plus eight butterflies) and to our garden list in the last week or so. One of the latter was a very striking White-pinion Spotted (as opposed to a White-spotted Pinion!), which I took at first to be an albino Green Carpet, until corrected by wiser heads; we also, after a couple of false starts, got a decent photo of a Syndemis musculana, which I think had shown up a couple of times previously but we hadn't snapped it well enough. On top of that, we've had a couple of Rustic Shoulder-knots, a rather early Coronet and a Poplar Hawkmoth, as well as a steady stream of Muslin Moths, Shuttle-shaped Darts and Flame Shoulders: all of which is keeping up interest, but I'm very much looking forward to the first really substantial catch of the year.

Coronet, 9/5/14

Rustic Shoulder-knot, 8/5/14

Syndemis musculana, 6/5/14

White-pinion Spotted, 8/5/14

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